Grass Lake Charter Township

Clerk’s Office

Clerk: Gail Harris, 517-522-8464  Ext. 123

Deputy Clerk: Sarah Ramsey   517-522-8464  Ext. 136

Voter Registration – Maintain the state provided Qualified Voter Registration file for township residents; Assist elections office; Print Master ID and Voter Registration cards.

Elections – Voting machine setup and ballot testing; Generate precincts lists.

Accounting – Responsible for Payroll, General Ledger, Accounts Payable (invoices) and Purchase order processing.

Cemetery – There are two cemeteries maintained by the township; Oakwood cemetery located on E. Michigan Ave. and Maple Grove cemetery located on Wolf Lake road. The clerk’s office manages all plots, schedules burials (inground and cremations) and ordering foundations or monuments. All summer decorations shall be removed by December 1st and all winter decorations shall be removed by April 1st, or they may be removed by the Sexton.

Transfer Station Tickets – Tickets for waste disposal are provided to township property owners. Four tickets per year are free of charge to owners. New Hours for Modern Waste effective March 1st:   Mon – Fri 8:00-3:45. For list of Acceptable/Unacceptable Items click the attached link. Modern Waste List 

Record Keeping – This office maintains township meeting minute records for the township Board, Planning commission and Zoning Board of Appeals.